Friday, September 3, 2010

Words from 8.28

Words have power. And once spoken, can't be unspoken. There is wisdom in the advice to listen at least twice as much as you speak. Here are a few words that stuck out to me recently at the Christian Rally I attended in our nation's capital:

That which you gaze upon, you shall become.

As Americans, there is a lot that we can disagree on, but our principles and values can and should unite us.

America is great because she is good; we must each be good, so America can be great.

Tell the truth. America is crying out for truth.

Connect with your family. Charity begins at home.

Have a firm reliance in what you believe. Being a child of God has huge blessings and huge responsibilities...we must know God and follow Him. If we are going to change our lives and our country, we'll reach a point, as did George Washington, when we'll ask "Have I not done enough for my country?" No. God is not done with man's freedom yet.

There comes a time when we must pledge our lives, we much take it on so our children can have a chance. Pay an honest tithe; allow those in our churches to have the means to be charitable.

Life is short and there is work to be done. So pick up your stick and heal the nation.

God is not on our side, but shape up so we can be on God's side.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow may never come; but we have Today to make a difference.

*At this point, 500,000 Americans stood around the reflecting pool of our Capital and sang Amazing Grace. Wow.

The rally I refer to was the Restoring Honor 8.28 rally held last weekend in DC. Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, several members of Martin Luther King Jr's family spoke on Faith, Hope, Charity, Honor, and Truth. It wasn't political. It wasn't racial. It was just incredible.

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