Tuesday, November 4, 2008


"Eve of all Saints, last night of October" (1556) the last night of the year in the old Celtic calendar, where it was Old Year's Night, a night for witches.

Well, here in Provo, it wasn't as exotic as it might have been, but we did the best with what we had. My plans to hit Studio 600 (a dance club in Salt Lake) fell through, but I have amazing roommates and we all went to our stake dance...not too bad as we live in Zion (not kidding, if you want to know what I mean be that, just ask).

The dance ended up all right, but the most fun part, by far, was dressing up and showing off my costume. :D

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Wow! You look great! And what dazzling white teeth you have. :)